The Uniform Code of Military Justice has undergone multiple changes over the past sixteen years. However, the most drastic took effect December 28, 2023. Lawyers in the newly established Office of the Special Trial Counsel now have the control in deciding whether...
Military Law
How can people defend against claims that they went AWOL?
The decision to join the military means making a multi-year commitment in most cases. People give up their right to outside employment or even to control their schedule. The military tells them where they live and when they work. Most active-duty servicemembers...
What is an Article 32 preliminary hearing?
The Military has a unique process for managing criminal cases. When a member of the Armed Forces is charged with a serious crime, that individual must undergo a process in military court. In brief, a Brigade Level Commander orders an Article 32 preliminary hearing...
Important facts to know about military drug testing by urinalysis
The United States military is a drug-free employer. This means that even in states where marijuana or CPD is decriminalized, members of the military can face disciplinary action if they have a positive result on a drug test. There are even stricter penalties possible...
What rights do you have at an Article 15 hearing?
As a military servicemember, you are subject to very strict rules that apply to you on duty and off duty. While the same federal and state laws that apply to all civilians and service members, service members must also to abide by the Uniform Code of Military Justice...
Should I appeal a negative Officer Evaluation Report?
If you have made your career in the United States Army, you realize that your advancement and promotion possibilities depend on varying factors. One is the Officer Evaluation Report (OER) -- an assessment that carries enough weight to deter any further progress up the...
Protecting your military career after a failed urinalysis test
Urinalysis or the chemical evaluation of a clean urine sample has become one of the go-to methods for drug policy enforcement utilized by the United States armed forces. It is non-invasive and relatively quick, as well as cost-effective when compared to more involved...
Has your security clearance been revoked?
As a service person in the military, you rely on having security clearance to do your job. Under certain conditions, your security clearance may be revoked, which ultimately means you can no longer do your job. It’s important to note that accusations of misconduct do...
What does it mean to go AWOL?
In the military, there is a term called “AWOL.” It means to go “absent without leave.” Going AWOL is a problem for military members, because it means that they have left their posts without permission. While going AWOL is less serious than desertion, it is still an...
What does a DUI mean for military service members?
Allegations of driving under the influence (DUI) offenses can threaten your license and your freedom. For those in the military, however, there may be different risks that come from allegations of impaired driving. A DUI charge on the base could lead to different...