Providing 35 Years Of Assistance
For Military Personnel

Turn To A Trustworthy Defender As You Face A Military Investigation

It is a serious and frightening experience to be the target of a military investigation. You may be in this position because someone has accused you of misconduct. The investigation, such as a JAGMAN, AR 15-6, CID, I.G., EO or another type, may be a pivotal point in your life. You could forfeit your good standing in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force or Space Force; lose your chances of reaching a favorable discharge; or even be expelled.

Start your defense with a clear understanding of your Article 31 rights. Our lawyers at The Military Justice Center can protect your rights and future. Our clients include military personnel and people associated with military bases in northern Virginia and the Washington, D.C., area.

When To Contact Us About An Investigation

Our clients in and around northern Virginia and Washington, D.C., sometimes contact us because they are targets of AR 15-6 investigations. Others are facing command-directed investigations or criminal charges. Whatever the type of investigation you are concerned about is and whatever branch of the military you are in or work for, The Military Justice Center is here to help.

Have you been accused of being away without leave (AWOL)? Have you been named in an Article 32 investigation? Is your security clearance at risk? Are you in trouble over alleged war crimes? Our defense attorneys can assist you if you are accused of wrongdoing or charged with a crime while deployed in the country or abroad. We can represent you before any board of inquiry or legal justice forum inside or outside the military.

Perhaps you are subject to an adverse administrative action based on the findings of an AR 15-6 investigation. We will protect your right to receive timely notice of the potential adverse action. We will insist on your right to copies of documents about the findings, recommendations and background information that led to the adverse action proposal. We will work closely with you to devise an effective strategy in your defense.

Is a military lawyer assigned to your case? This attorney’s duties may be limited. We can work with such an attorney or provide you with second opinions from a legal standpoint.

Your Situation May Be Urgent – We Will Treat It As Such

Do you have a court-martial pending? Let us help guide you through all available avenues to a successful defense and preserve your hopes for a nonpunitive discharge.

Contact us by calling 910-965-5484 or sending an email inquiry.